海水マグネシアの製造法と成分 (第4報)
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In continuing previous studies (Reports Part I-III by one of the present authors Shoichiro NAGAI and his collaborators, this Journal, 59, 456 (1951), 60, 540 (1952), 62, 248 (1954), the present authors reported the results of further continued studies on the preparation and chemical compositions of magnesium hydroxide by reacting diluted bittern solution to lime containing solution obtained from slaked lime, quick lime or calcined dolomite. Various kinds of reacting conditions between these two kinds of solutions were fully experimented and discussed by comparing the results of analyses of lime content and other impurities in the precipitated magnesium hydroxide, and its calcined magnesia or magnesia clinker, precipitating velocity, and volume or density of the precipitate Mg(OH)2.The products of these experiments, magnesium hydroxide, calcined magnesia or magnesia clinker, are already in some parts studied and are also being now further studied on their utilization methods to make (a) magnesia-chromite basic refractories, (b) magnesia cement (magnesium oxychloride cement), (c) magnesia gypsum or magnesia-dolomite plasters, etc., which results are already reported in some parts in the separate studies (Studies on Magnesia Cement from Sea Water Magnesia (Report I and II): Bulletin of the Society of Salt Science, Japan, 5, 251 (1951), 6, 6 (1952); Studies on Chrome-Magnesia Refractories by using Sea Water Magnesia (Report I-III): this Journal, 60, 60 and 422 (1952) 61, 152 (1953); Studies on Special Magnesia Cement by using Sea Water Magnesia (Report I): this Journal, 61, 266 (1953), etc., and will be further reported in the near future as continued reports of the above cited papers.
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