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As the method of deterioration diagnosis for 6kV class XLPE cables, there exist leakage current method, tan δ method, etc. It is strongly desired to establish a complex judgment technology with high accuracy using these methods, and now various methods for it are being proposed. However, most of these methods for complex judgment are only to make a comprehensive judgment combining judgment results of “good” or “not good” obtained by diagnostic methods, and there have not been any materialized methods in practical use, which can comprehensively handle the values measured by diagnostic methods. Now, the author and others have contrived a method to improve the accuracy of deterioration diagnosis based on the statistical way, confirmed the expected effects being verified with the actual data, and then have obtained the prospects for the practical use. This method is composed of the following three techniques, and the accuracy of deterioration diagnosis can be largely improved by the application of these techniques. These three techniques are (1) application of logarithmichyperbolic regression equation, (2) application of analytical method of covariance for multiple regression equation, and (3) multiple correlation analysis with single correlation data
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
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