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A method for colorimetric determination of a small amount of aluminum in a large amount of metallic nickel has been studied by means of extraction with oxin-benzene solution and by eliminating its interference by addition of potassium cyanide. The optimum alkalinity and the concentration of reagent for the extraction are determined and effects of diverse ions have been reported together with the method for preventing the interference by lead. The minimum limit of quantitative estimation of aluminum is found to be 0.0001%.<BR>A method for the flame photometric determination of a small amount of calcium in metallic nickel has beed studied. The minimum limit of estimation of calcium is found to be 0.1 p. p. m. when the spectral line of 554 mμ for calcium has been used and 40% methanol as a solvent. A large amount of nickel is removed by means of electrolysis with a mercury cathode or by use of ion exchange resin. A small amount of aluminum which causes interference by this method has been removed by extraction with oxin-benzene or by use of ion exchange resin.
- 社団法人 日本分析化学会の論文
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