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Monoclonal antibodies with catalytic activity have recently been generated and shown to carry out a variety of organic reactions, which include hydrolysis, lactonization, bimolecular amido bond formation, Claisen rearrangement, Diels-Alder reaction, elimination, photochemical and redox reactions. These antibodies, which are elicited by using natural products or synthetic compounds as haptens, possess high substrate specificity The catalytic acitvity of these antibodies is strongly inhibited by the haptens.<BR>These new enzymelike catalysts were first prepared on the basis of the idea of the stabilization of transition state configurations on chemical pathways. Since the first successful attempt of the preparation of the catalytic antibody, a number of experimental data have been compiled in a short period of time and it has now become clear that the reduction of entropy in reactions, the introduction of adequate catalytic amino acid groups, and the incorporation of a variety of co-factors are also important factors in designing the catalytic antibody.<BR>With the further progress in this field, many more interesting catalytic antibodies will be produced. It is also hoped that efforts in designing the antigen binding sites for the generation of new catalytic antibodies will be helpful in promoting a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of antigen recognition and of a variety of chemical reactions in general.
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