ノリ幼芽の生長におよぼす温度の影響-II : 温度変化とノリ芽の初期生長および形態について
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The present work was carried out to know about the effect of temperature changes on the early development of laver sporelings. The sporelings (23-33μ in length) of Porphyra tenera KJELLM. var. tamatsuensis MIURA germinated on artificial fiber were allowed to grow at a temperature rise of from 5 to 30°C, changing to a 5°C range of rise or fall each 5 and 2 days, for 20 days. The other conditions for culture and methods were kept the same as the previous report. The results observed are summarized as follows; 1) At the temperature change between 30 and 25°C, abnormality of shapes and cell of sporelings make rapid progress, and also the growth is inhibited. 2) The sporelings show conspicuously abnormal shapes and produce unusually many monospores at the temperature change between 25 and 20°C, which is regarded as a factor for growth inhibition. 3) At the rapid temperature change between 20 and 15°C, or 15 and 10°C, slight abnormal shapes of sporelings appear at an early stage of the growth or a certain growth stage. 4) At the decline of the temperature as 25-20-15-10°C, the growth is very fast. Many of sporelings showed abnormal shapes at 25 and 20°C, but the number of abnormal sporelings decreased and the degree of abnormal shapes became lighter as the temperature fell. 5) At the temperature changes below 10°C, the degree of abnormal shapes was very slight. 6) From these results, the temperature changes are regarded as one of the factors causing abnormal sporelings, although not regarded as a major factor for growth inhibition.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- ノリ幼芽の生長におよぼす温度の影響-II : 温度変化とノリ芽の初期生長および形態について
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