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Regional Planning is also called Regional Development, but the conceptional difference between these two terms is not yet clear. This paper describes the concept of the region as the object of Regional Planning or Regional Development, followed by the entire framework of regional planning with the concept of planning itself.The concept of the region in Regional Science is based mainly on the concept as a method presenting region from a subjective view. However, the term region in Regional Planning is something existing on the limited surface of the earth which is a substantial concept itself. The author defines planning region, which is the object in regional planning, as follows: 'Region is a substantial concept which means limited spatial sphere and its contents, that is, the whole of social, economic and physical phenomena produced by human activities in natural and cultural environments.' Therefore, he proposes that 'region' should be defined as something 'living', which is formed by human beings.The concept of planning and development is also discussed in order to clarify the conceptional difference between Regional Planning and Regional Development. The concept of regional planning is grasped, in a broader sense, as an intentional impact of human beings for regional change. In a narrower sense, however, it is divided into regional planning and development. Specifically, regional planning means an 'objective' which motivates regional change, while regional development is grasped as a 'means' of the achievement of the purpose. Moreover, it is noticed that the term plan means not only 'future programme', but also 'map'. Thus, regional plan expressed on the map has a special meanning.The fundamental framework of regional planning contents is presented as a result of the above discussion. This divides broadly into two categories, Activities Plan related to production activities such as industry and agriculture, living activities and public activities, and Resources Plan or Comprehensive Plan, namely environmental planning, spatial planning, population and social planning, economic planning and physical planning. The framework of each planning is relatively the same relationships between warp and woof. Resources Plan has a special significance for environmental conservation and it is expected to make a total balance among the usage of resources by activities. Thus, regional development should be executed only by being based on the developmental orientation, regional planning, which directs to environmentally sustainable development. Therefore, regional development approach or strategy as a combination of means based on planning is an important subject for us to study.
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