- 論文の詳細を見る
Generally, it is considered that the structure of social dilemmas exists in the regional environmental pollution and a high social cost can be easily caused by the conflict as well. However, due to the difficulties of the judicial solution of the conflict, some kinds of non-judicial solution of the conflict such as the regional agreements for the prevention of environmental pollution are requested. In this paper, we clarified the characteristics of the conflict and the circumstances of the conflict solution through the case study of the Japanese livestock industry. Furthermore, we examined the specific characteristics and effectiveness of regional agreements for the prevention of environmental pollution as a method of conflict solution. Following conclusions have been obtained. First, the release of information from livestock farming to the local residents and the establishment of a relationship of mutual trust between livestock farming and residents are considered to be quite important in the regional agreements. Secondly, besides the technological factors, the social relationship between livestock farming and residents might cause great affects on the management of livestock farming. Finally, the permissible standards of environmental pollution or some kind of order exists differently from region to region. Thus, as a method of conflict solution, regional agreements for the prevention of environmental pollution is considered as the reflection of the differences of each region.
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- コメント3