- 論文の詳細を見る
When we study the determinants of migration, we have two methods; the first method is the multiple. regression analysis, and the second method is one to make use of the results of the surveys on the reasons of migration. The Tokyo Metropolitan Population Survey of Reasons for Migration was carried out in 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996. All six surveys are sample surveys and effective samples were about 30, 000 in 1996 for example.The main results of our analysis are summarized as follows.(1) Have the reasons of migration in Tokyo Metropolitan Prefecture changed from economic reasons to non-economic reasons? This phenomenon has been verified only about intra-metropolitan movement form 1971 to 1976, and has not been verified about long distance migration at all.(2) ‘Job reasons’ have been the main reasons of long distance migration and influenced by the regional economic differentials such as per capita income differentials or active opening ratio differentials.(3) ‘Transfer reasons’ has increased the importance within the migration reasons. It has the characteristic that the numbers of in-migration and out-migration are nearly same. Tokyo metropolitan prefecture, however, has attracted more employees from the other regions.(4) ‘Housing reasons’ have predominated in the case of in- and out-migration between Tokyo and Minami Kanto Region (Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba). In this case, the sharp rise of land prices at Tokyo during the bubble period promoted out-migration to Minami Kanto. The fall after the collapse of bubble economy promoted in-migration from Minami Kanto.(5) The numbers of migration on ‘Environments around houses’ such as park, pollution or disaster have been very few and declined. The ratio of migration based on ‘convenience of commuting’ has increased in the case of intra-metropolitan prefecture and in-migration from Minami Kanto.
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