ニギスの生態學的研究-III : 生殖腺について
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In the course of the studies on the maturity and spawning of Argentina Semifasciata KISHINOUYE, the present auther found some interesting facts which is concerned with the form of gonad: 1) The general form of urinogenital papilla differs due to the sex; in the male, the papilla is rather hard and is markedly swollen in tongue-like fusion, while in the female the organ is soft and is scarcely swollen (Fig. 1-2). 2) Gonad is divided into right and left lobes, each lobes is further subdivided into anterior and posterior lobes which is communicated by a gonoduct. (Fig. 3. A, B, C, D). The rear end of the anterior lobe extends far beyond the insertion of the posterior lobe in the full grown condition, although they never confluent with each other. 3) The anterior lobes of the gonad are in bilateral symmetry in the weight (average index of asymmetry α is 0.021 in the female and 0.023 in male), while in the posterior lobe the right one is larger than the left one (α is 0.118 in the female and 0.209 in male. Fig. 4).
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