東支那海黄海に於けるプランクトンの分布に就て : 第二報1949〜1950年春期のプランクトンに就て
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This is the second report of my observation on the plankton in the Eastern China Sea and Yellow Sea. This observation has been studied from April to June, for the years 1949-1950. The methode emploved in the present work was the same at that the former investigation, the plankton samples were obtained by vertical hauls and filtered through a plankton net made of 20 bolting silk at 22 fishining grounds. As dominants species in phytoplankton the following kinds can be recorded; Coscinodiscus janishii and C. asteromphalus at April, Rhizosolenia hebetata ƒ. semispina, R. alata ƒ. indica, R. alata ƒ. gracillima at May, Stephanopyxis Palmeriana, Thalassiothrix longissima, Chaetoceras spp. at June. In zooplankton Paracalanus aculeatus, Oithona similis, Nauplii oƒ Copepoda can be seen from April to June. Other kinds different from above mentioned can be recorded namely Noctiluca scintillans, Peridinium divergens at May, and Oikopleura longicauda, Doliolum nationalis at June.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 東支那海黄海に於けるプランクトンの分布に就て : 第二報1949〜1950年春期のプランクトンに就て
- 中海,宍道湖の湖沼調査 : II. 中海の夏期のプランクトンに就て (1949)
- 東支那海黄海に於けるプラクトンの分布について : 第4報1950年夏期の對島海峽に於ける分布