Nerve Supply to the Soleus Muscle in Some Anthropoid Apes
- 論文の詳細を見る
External features, nerve supply and intramuscular distribution of nerves were examined in the soleus muscle in the following anthropoid apes, gorilla, orang-utan and gibbon. The muscle was solely supplied by a branch from the tibial nerve, which arose with the nerve to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle and was considered to be identical with the Ramus posterior in the human soleus. In gorilla this nerve ramified within the muscle in basically the same branching pattern as in man, but in orang-utan and gibbon the intramuscular distribution patterns of the nerve were different from that in man. In gorilla the muscle was strongly attached to the popliteal line of the tibia by forming an aponeurosis, from which some muscle fascicles arose. This part of the muscle was supplied by twigs from a branch identical with the P-4 branch from the R. posterior in man. These findings suggest that the soleus with the tibial origin in gorilla represents the primitive stage of the human soleus.
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- Nerve Supply to the Soleus Muscle in Some Anthropoid Apes