Multiple Primary Lung Cancer with Large Cell Carcinomaand Adenocarcinoma. A Case Report and a Review of the Japanese Literature.
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We experienced a case of synchronous multiple lung cancer developed in the right middle and lower lobe in a 69-year-old male. The patient was admitted to our hospital to undergo further examinations of abnormal shadows on his chest X-ray films. A transbronchial lung biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma in S<SUP>4</SUP> and adenocarcinoma in S<SUP>6</SUP>. A pneumonectomy was performed and his postoperative course was uneventful. The final histologic diagnosis was large cell carcinoma in S<SUP>4</SUP> and adenocarcinoma in S<SUP>6</SUP>. We report this case because it represents a rare histologic combination.
- 北関東医学会の論文
Hirai Toshikazu
Department Of Surgery National Sanatorium Nishi-gunma Hospital
Ishikawa Susumu
Second Department Of Surgery Gunma University School Of Medicine
Kawashima Osamu
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanagawa University
Kamiyoshihara Mitsuhiro
Department Of General Thoracic Surgery Maebashi Red Cross Hospital
Ishikawa Susumu
Second Department Of Surgery Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Morishita Yasuo
Second Department Of Surgery
Maeshima Akiko
Second Department of Pathology Gunma University School of Medicine
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