Study for molecular characterization and productive mechanism of IgA anti-HBc in patients with hepatitis B virus infection.
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We assayed IgA subclasses anti-HBc in sera and bile of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and examined molecular characterization of IgA anti-HBc for studying the mechanism of IgA anti-HBc production. IgA anti-HBc was high titer in acute type B hepatitis. Furthermore, levels of IgA anti-HBc were elevated along with the advancement of hepatic disease in persistent HBV infection, ranging from asymptomatic carrier state to chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrohosis. In acute exacerbation of chronic liver diseases, more significant changes were observed in IgA2 anti-HBc and in sIgA anti-HBc. Analysis of molecular characterization of IgA anti-HBc showed that elevation of polymeric IgA anti-HBc in acute exacerbation phase, though increase of both monomeric and polymeric IgA anti-HBc was recongnized. On the other hand IgA anti-HBc activities, which were almost found as sIgA anti-HBc, were also detected in bile. It seems that IgA anti-HBc as a good model in considering the mechanism of humoral focal immune response under central role of the liver.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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