A comparison of angioechography and histopathological findings in hepatocellular carcinomas.
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Resected hepatocellular carcinomas of 2cm or less in diameter were studied by comparing histopathological findings and images obtained from angioechography using CO<SUB>2</SUB> infusion into the hepatic artery. 46 nodules resected from 32 pasients with hepatocellular carcinoma were examined in the present study. Hepatic tumors are angioechographically classified into three categories: positive enhancement, negative enhancement and non-enhancement Nodules resected from these cases of hepatocellular carcinoma were classified either as the positive enhancement type (33 nodules) or as the negative enhancement type (13 nodules). Histopathological examination of these two groups of resected specimens revealed that the nodules of the positive enhancement type were macroscopically a yellow-white tone, and mostly of nodular type. Pathologically, they demonstrated expansive growth, septum formation, diffective Glisson's sheaths and pronounced cellular atypia, and were largely of the thick trabecular type. Nodules of the negative enhancement type were macroscopically of the massive type, brown-toned and not encapsulated. Pathologically they were of the thin trabecular type with replacement growth, presenting no septum formation in the tumor, with intact Glisson's sheaths and less pronounced cellular atypia.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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- A comparison of angioechography and histopathological findings in hepatocellular carcinomas.
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