肝疾患における脾臓の役割 免疫学的面よりの臨床的,実験的考察
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Splenic shadow appearances on hepato-scintigram were high in liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and acute hepatitis in this order and they had close correlativity with serum γ-globulin level, however, no relations with rectal cappillary pressure, which is said one of the indicator of hemodynamic disturbance in liver disorders. Splenectomy, performed patients with liver cirrhosis, resulted in hypergammaglobulinemia. Experimental studies, using albino rabbits, showed that the spleen weight, obtained after the administration of several hepato-toxic substances, had intimate relations with serum γ-globulin levels. Furthermore, in a group in which splenectomy was performed after the development of hypergammaglobulinemia, serum γ-globulin level elevated reboundedly despite transient decrease in comparison with extremely low level of serum γ-globulin in a group in which splenectomized before sensitization.<BR>These results may suggest that splenomegaly in liver disease is not only the result from hemodynamic disturbance, but one of the important reacting place where many factors including antigen antibody reaction are entangled.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
- 劇症肝炎 : 31剖検例の臨床および病理解剖所見の解析
- 肝疾患における脾臓の役割 免疫学的面よりの臨床的,実験的考察
- Experimental study on the prolonged antigenic stimulation and histamine in chronic liver injuries