- 論文の詳細を見る
The reaction product obtained from direct thermochemical liquefaction of sewage sludge is a mixture of heavy oil, char and aqueous phase. The heavy oil must be separated from the product if it is to be used for boiler fuel and other applications. High-pressure distillation (573K-8.8 MPa) was evaluated as a means of isolating heavy oil from the product. As a result, heavy oil suitable for use as fuel was obtained. This distillation method is a promising technique for oil separation from the liquefaction product of sewage sludge.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
鈴木 明
オルガノ (株) 総合研究所SCWOチーム
中村 忠
オルガノ (株) 総合研究所
横山 伸也
工業技術院 公害資源研究所
伊藤 新治
オルガノ (株) 総合研究所
鈴木 明
オルガノ (株) 総合研究所
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