Neuroactive Substances in the Vestibular Efferent Nerve System with Special Reference to Species Differences in their Distribution
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The present study was conducted to clarify immunocytochemically the location of neuroactive substances distributed in the vestibular efferent nerve system of various animals (chicken, pigeon, rat, guinea pig, cat and squirrel monkey). In order to compare the known efferent component with neuroactive sub-stances, the distribution of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) and choline acetyl-transferase (ChAT) were also investigated. ChAT-like immunoreactivity and ACh E-positive staining was found in alll the vestibular endorgans studied, and there were no marked species differences in the staining patterns. In contrast, the la-cation of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-and γ-aminobutyric acid (GA BA)-like immunoreactivities varied according to the species. Numerous CGRP-like immunoreactive endings were demonstrated beneath the hair cell layer of the rat and guinea pig vestibular endorgans. However, only a few CGRP-like immunoreactive puncta were found in the chicken and pigeon vestibular periphery, and no immunoreactivity was detected in the cat and monkey vestibular en-dorgans. GABA-like immunoreactive endings and fibers were observed in the pigeon and monkey vestibular endorgans, but they were scarce in chickens, in contrast to the findings in rat, guinea pig and cat vestibular endorgans, where no GABA-like immunoreactive fibers were distributed. These differences in distribution patterns of neuroactive substances suggest that each species has a chemically (and probably functionally) distinct efferent system which may be related to the specific environment and/or evolution.
- 一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会の論文
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- Neuroactive Substances in the Vestibular Efferent Nerve System with Special Reference to Species Differences in their Distribution