Serum IgG subclass levels in infants, children, and adults.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Serum concentrations of IgG1, G2, G3, and G4 were determined in 394 healthy Japanese (cord blood, newborns, and 0-35 years, males 228, females 166) by means of single radial immunodiffusion and ELISA. The mean concentrations and ranges (two standard deviations) were as follows: cord blood, n=30, IgG1 853 (543-1, 340)mg/dl, G2 438 (210-648)mg/dl, G3 20 (2-217)mg/dl, G4 24 (2-304)mg/dl, 1 year, n=33, IgG1 733 (311-1, 726)mg/dl, G2 161 (-343)mg/dl, G3 27 (3-204)mg/dl, G4 4 (0.4-50)mg/dl, 6-8 years, n=30, IgG1 841 (473-1, 496)mg/dl, G2 344 (68-620)mg/dl, G3 26 (4-151)mg/dl, G4 17 (3-109)mg/dl, adults, n=90, IgG1 791 (402-1, 556)mg/dl, G2 621 (281-961)mg/dl, G3 28 (3-258)mg/dl, G4 34 (7-161)mg/dl.Some healthy subjects have IgG subclass levels which fullfill the tentative criteria for IgG subclass deficiency proposed by the working group of Japanese Ministry of Health, and these deta indicated that there is a significant overlap in serum IgG subclass levels between healthy subjects and the criteria. It could be suggested that IgG subclass deficiency should not be diagnosed based solely on the laboratory data.
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- Serum IgG subclass levels in infants, children, and adults.