- 論文の詳細を見る
The author wishes here to analyze the concept of ευχη (prayer) in early Byzantium, namely 4th to 7th centuries. In the chapter 1, votive inscriptions containing the words ευχη and ενξαμενος are classified. Eυχη is a comprehensive word acting for many personal desires, which probably excludes souls relief (σωτηρια), health (υγεια), longevity (μακροημερευσις), redemption (αφεσις αμαρτιων), etc..In the chapter 2, anonymous inscriptions which say “one whose name God knows” are treated. The Byzantines refer neither to the concrete contents of ευχη, nor to the proper noun of the donor. The cases gathered in the chapter 3 suggest that the word ευχη signifies the offering itself: architectural part, silver vessel, floor mosaic, etc.. In these circumstances, the votive offering with ones prayer is also the prayer.The chapter 4 presents that ευλογια is a pendant word of ευχη in double senses. Since the word ευλογια means not only an abstract “blessing”, but also a pilgrimage souvenir itself, two strata are realized between ευχη and ευλογια; one prays and Gob blesses in an abstract sense, and simultaneously, one offers something and in return he is given a pilgrimage souvenir.
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