Dynamic stabilization of imploding liquid metal liner.
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The rotational stabilization has been proposed against the Rayleigh-Taylor instability of the imploding liquid metal liner. In this paper, the discussion is made on the possi-bility of the dynamic stabilization by applying the oscillating azimuthal magnetic field in addition to the axial field. In contrast to the rotational stabilization, the required (field) energy for this stabilization is also used for the liner driving or the plasma confinement. In the analysis, the liner subjected to the acceleration is assumed to be infinitely long, at rest and have the situation at the start of the implosion or turnaround. At turnaround, the existence of the plasma is taken into account. The perturbed motion of the liner is discussed with a linear stability analysis. Results are as follows:<BR>(1) The dynamic stabilization at the start of the implosion is possible if the distance from the conducting wall to the liner outer surface is comparable with or less than the liner thickness.<BR>(2) At turnaround, the stability is improved with decreasing the ratio of the plasma radius to that of the liner inner surface however the kink mode (m=1) cannot be suppressed.
- 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
FUJII-E Yoichi
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
ITOH Yasuyuki
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
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