Sodium-Void Experiment in Unit k-infinity Core
HIROTA Jitsuya
Japan Atomic Energy Reseach Institute
YASUNO Takehiko
Japan Atomic Energy Reseach Institute
NAKAGAWA Masatoshi
Osoka University: Now at Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co.
- A Method Using Nuclear Emulsions for Measuring the Anisotropy of Fast Neutron Fluxes due to Arrangement of Fast Core Cell
- Studies of the Criticality of 20% Enriched Uranium Fast Critical Assemblies (FCA-I)
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Heavy-Water Homogeneous Two-Region System
- Sodium-Void Experiment in Unit k-infinity Core
- Doppler Coefficient Measurements in FCA
- Prompt Neutron Life-time in a Reflected System