Doppler Coefficient Measurements in FCA
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
HIROTA Jitsuya
Japan Atomic Energy Reseach Institute
HIROTA Jitsuya
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
YASUNO Takehiko
Japan Atomic Energy Reseach Institute
NAKANO Masafumi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
IIJIMA Tsutomu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Reactivity Measurements on Fast Systems with Natural Uranium Metal Blanket by Pulsed Neutron Method
- A Method Using Nuclear Emulsions for Measuring the Anisotropy of Fast Neutron Fluxes due to Arrangement of Fast Core Cell
- Studies of the Criticality of 20% Enriched Uranium Fast Critical Assemblies (FCA-I)
- Neutron spectrum dependence of natural UO2 Doppler effect measured in FCA.
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Heavy-Water Homogeneous Two-Region System
- Sodium-Void Experiment in Unit k-infinity Core
- Doppler Coefficient Measurements in FCA
- Prompt Neutron Life-time in a Reflected System