Effects of Size and Perimeter of Removal Plots on Immigration of the Grey Red-backed Vole
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The effects of the perimeter length of removal plots on the dispersal of grey red-backed voles Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae was tested by using two plots that had the same area but different length perimeters in a large outdoor enclosure (3 ha). We removed voles from plots in the center or from the corner of the enclosure. It was predicted that a center removal plot would be more easily entered by voles than a corner removal plot, because the center removal plot had four directions from which voles could immigrate, whereas a corner plot had only two directions of possible immigration. Recovery ratio (immigrants/removed voles) did not differ between the center and corner removal plots when the plot size was small (0.3 ha). The ratio for corner plots, however, became significantly lower than that on center plots, when plot size was increased to 0.56 ha. A multiple regression analysis showed that the perimeter, and the ratio of the number of removed voles to the size of the source population providing immigrants, were significant in explaining the variance in the recovery ratio.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
中津 篤
中津 篤
Hokkaido Research Centre, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Nakatsu A
Forestry And Forest Products Research Inst. Sapporo Jpn
中津 篤
Saitoh Takashi
Hokkaido Inst. Public Health Sapporo Jpn
中津 篤
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