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The famous translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments by Sir Richard F. Burton (1821-96) was first published in 1885 in 10 volumes, and 6 volumes of the supplemental Nights were published from 1886 to 1888. It won a great success, and even in these days many people believe it as the most excellent and the most reliable translation of the 1001 Nights. Especially in Japan, it is so popular that at least three times it was retranslated into Japanese by various translators who were the admirers of R. Burton. But in many countries, Burtons translation has been criticized or defended by not a few scholars. Already in 1906, Thomas Wright demonstrated in his “Life of R. Burton, ” that his translation of the 1001 Nights is whole appropriation of that of John Payne. Paynes translation is the first complete English version of the Nights and no one denies its excellence But, his translation had been speedily forgotten by the public, and the swashbuckling plagiarist got the honor, wealth and popularity. Moreover, in the so-called Burton-Payne Controversy, the defenders of R. Burton seem more numerous than those of J. Payne. It was to my hearts content that Mia 1. Gerhardt developped a very sharp defense for the part of the latter in 1963 in her “The Art of Story-Telling.” However the author argued that the poems in the 1001 Nights were almost all translated by R. Burton independently and these are in general better than the renderings of J. Payne. I would not agree with this opinion, because I think that the translation of the poems by R. Burton also seem to be the appropriation of those of Payne and sometimes of Henry Torrens. In this essay, I would like to prove it. Next, why the painstaking work of J. Payne was soon forgotten, and survived the quite contrary one? The final aim of this essay is to find out some answer to this guestion.
- 社団法人 日本オリエント学会の論文
- マルコ・ポーロとアレクサンドロス伝説(一)
- テリアカ考(三)(終回) : 文化交流史上から見た一薬品の伝播について
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- 元代戦象考(松本信廣先生古稀記念)
- テリアカ考(二) : 文化交流史上から見た一薬品の伝播について
- テリアカ考(一) : 文化交流史上から見た一薬品の伝播について
- 浮世床史學 : 十八世紀シリアの珍藉
- タラス戰考 : 本章
- タラス戰考 : 序章(慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集)
- 日持上人の大陸渡航について(下) : 宣化出土遺物を中心として
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- 日持上人の大陸渡航について(上) : 宣化出土遺物を中心として
- ダマスクスのフランス研究所よりの寄贈文献
- バグダードの文化とその滅亡(下)
- バグダードの文化とその滅亡(上)
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- 井筒俊彦著, アラビア語入門, 慶應義塾大學語學研究所, 語學論叢, 昭和二十五年九月, 慶應出版社, 四百圓
- マハラジャーン・アル・ファーラービーの記 (バグダード, 1975年秋)
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