頭頸部癌組織におけるTリンパ球について : 免疫組織学的研究
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An antiserum against human thymocytes (ATS) was raised in rabbit and purified by absorption with RBC, acetone liver powder, serum and human B cell Iine. Indirect immunoperoxidase technique using ATS was applied to 100% cold acetone fixed frozen sections from 45 cases of fresh and untreated squamous cell carcinomas in head and neck regions. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows.A majority of the lymphocytes were identified as T cells and observed in the interstitium of cancer tissues.The cases with dominant T cell infiltration showed less remarkable growth of tumor, well differentiation in histology, low frequency of neck node etastasis, positive skin sensitivity test for PPD or DNCB, and high score of S. I. in lymphocyte blastgenesis against PHA.On the contrary, there was no significant correlation between the degree of local T cell infiltration and the population of T cells in the peripheral blood.Therefore, from the immunological point of view, the density of local distribution of T cells seems important to predict the clinical behavior of cancers in the head and neck.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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- 頭頸部癌組織におけるTリンパ球について : 免疫組織学的研究
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