鼻粘膜病態の反射光スペクトル解析による研究 : II 色調と光スペクトルの関係
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An analysis concerning the mucosal color and its pathophysiological significance was made on 24 normal subjects and 28 allergic patients using reflectance spectrophotometer system which was designed and manufactured for the present report. The results obtained were as follows; 1) By analyzing the reflectance spectra of Munsells Color Standards, it was proved that the charactristics of the different colors coule be readily determined. 2) In normal subjects, there were three main positive waves of the spectra: the peak at around 500nm (P1), the smallest at around 560nm (P2) and the highest one at 660nm (P3). 3) It was found that the spectral peak of P3 in patients with nasal allergy, when compared to that of normal subjects, shifted remarkably toward the shorter wavelength at around 640nm and the increment of the absorption band at around P2 was also observed. 4) Markedly decreased hight of P2 wave was seen in chronic sinusitis. A flatt pattern of the entire spectra was seen in nasal polyp.Reflectance spectrophotometric analysis is highly useful as a non-invasive and objective method not only to record the color of nasal mucosa but also to evaluate the mucosal pathophysiology of the upper airway.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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