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In order to investigate appropriate audiometry for deafness, especially for severe deafness, infra aural muscle reflex (aural reflex) and uncomfortable level (UCL) in deafness and normals were measured by using an impedance meter (Nagashimas Aural Reflex Indicator) with a computor. The subjects were 14 (18 ears) with normal hearing and 103 (111 ears) sensorineural deafness, and the age ranged between 0 and 48 years old, in whom 73 subjects (62%) were ranged from 3 to 6 years old. The results were as follows: 1) Aural reflex could be obtained 100% in normal hearing subjects and those with the hear- ing loss less than 40 dB, 88% in those with 50 to 70 dB hearing loss, and 78% in those with 80 to 100 dB hearing loss. 2) Aural reflex and hearing loss was highly correlated dispersing within t 5 dB range, which indicates that aural reflex is available for objective audiometry. 3) The threshold of aural reflex was considered as the highest level in comfortable level, then the dB range from the threshold of aural reflex to the hearing threshold was considered as the dynamic range. 4) The threshold of aural reflex was almost close to UCL in sensorineural deafness. The UCL could not be changed by auditory training. In order to control recruitment phenomena, it is desirable to use a hearing aid which is combined with automatic volume compression so that voice and sound pressure level may be within the dynamic range. 5) The possibility of measurement of aural reflex in severe deafness indicates that the auditory impulse reaches nucleus of the lateral lemniscus in the brain stem, and the transmis-sion system of sound energy in inner ear is still functional.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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- 難聴の他覚的聴力検査法に関する研究,特にイソピーダンス法による耳内筋反射について