微細構造について (悪性変化した巨大な上顎形質細胞腫-1,2-)
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Many electron microscopic observations were reported on plasma cells, but few were the electron microscopic reports on plasma cells in the form of tumor cells. The electron microscopic studies of the plasmacytcsis had the following two purposes: (1) to know the morphology of the fundamental pictures of plasmacytoma cells; and (2) to know how plasma cells were differentiated, since the present tumor showed the presence of many young plasma cells.The tumor tissue from the case in Report 1 was observed with the electron microscope, getting the following knowledge.1. The plasmacytoma showed the presence of plasma cells of various stages of development from immature to mature.2. The young plasma cells were spheroid, with the nucleus almost spherical. The nucleus exhibited a giant nucleolus and intranuclear inclusion. In the cytoplasm, the rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum was vacuolar, with its section in rosette form and showing a large number of Russell bodies, which was a characteristic finding. The mature plasma cells often showed cell protrusions, a nucleus of complex form, and a swollen outer nuclear membrane. The emergence of a large nucleolus and intranuclear inclusions was more frequently observed in the mature plasma cells than in the immature ones. The endoplasmic reticlum was arranged in layers, with Russell bodies in their spaces. The Golgi apparatus was very well developed.3. A fiber structure was observed in the spaces between the immature plasma cells.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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