小児慢性副鼻腔炎の疫学的研究 : 第1編 一農村における本疾患の罹患率と地域差との関係
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The author found the incidence of chronic sinusitis in 40.4% of 1238 children aged 6 to 15. This disease was much more prevalent on the remote high lands than on the fertile lowlands in the valley. The author assumed this fact meant that not only unfavorable climate, but also unclean poor living conditions were important factors in its etiology.Part II: The relationship of the incidence to the standard of living.As an index of the standard of living, yearly gross income for each person was used. The incidence was higher in those with smaller income and this was statistically significant.Part III: The relationship of the incidence to nutritve conditions.As an index of nutritive conditions in peasant children who generally are fed by starchy diet defieient in animal protein and vitamins, the author thought out intake of cow or goat milk and eggs which were all important nutritious food for farmers and their children as a source of animal protein.The incidence was higher in the group with less aminol protein intake, and this was also statistically significant.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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