言語発達障害児の研究 : 第4報 難聴や著明な精神発達遅滞のない言語発達遅滞児の言語発達経過とその種々相
- 論文の詳細を見る
For a period of over a year 42 children with retarded deve lopment of speech in whom neither hearing impairment nor marked mental retardation was initially detected were observed for their natural progress of speech and language development, and the following results were obtained:1) Natural progress of retarded speech development was poorer in the children with a prolonged delay of unsupported walking than in the children with normal begining of walking.2) Out of a total of 42 children 4 had been diagnosed earler as so-called “audimutitas” These children with audimutitas had not only extremely poor progress of speech and language development, but also various neurological impairments; such as severe articulatory apraxia, developmental apraxia, slight nerve deafness and slight mental defficiency associated with severe language retardation. According to this fact it was concluded that so-called audimutitas is not an isolated speech disorder but a group of severe developmental speech and language disorders showing aphasic syndrome.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 言語発達遅滞の臨床的研究
- 幼児の言語発達
- 言語発達障害児の研究 : 第4報 難聴や著明な精神発達遅滞のない言語発達遅滞児の言語発達経過とその種々相
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