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The author has already published many studies concerning the ossicular chain of the ear with his coworkers.Morphologically its atmospheric architecture is measured by means of the X-ray examination and solid geometry, and then confirming its values thr-ough the microscopic examinations. The conclusion obtained is that the ossicular chain may activate its function independently through the navel to the short process of the malleus, the double structure of the malleo-incudal articulation, and the anterior footh to the posterior footh of the stapes, This con clusion was affirmed by several animal experi ments and also by results of the audiometrical exa-minations in the cases of congenital misdevelope-ment of ossicular chain, tubal obstruction, or acute or chronic middle ear inflammation, and the states of improvement of hearing by the surgical operatio-ns•f tympanoplasty, stapes-mobilisation, fenstration of the foothplate of stapes, interposition of veinflap between the footh-plate of stapes and vestibule.The summarised conclusion is that the function of tone conduction of the ossicular chain may consistof two modes, one of which is that of low tones acc-ording to Helmholtz's leverhypothesis, and the other is that of high tones according to another mecha-nism(perhaps direct transmission), and the mix-ing center of these twomodes may be on abot4000cps. with about 25db deviation.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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- タイトル無し