フィッション・トラック年代測定法 : その原理と実験手法
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The purpose of this report is to outline the principles and laboratory procedures of fission track dating.<BR>Initial discoveries of tracks were reported by YOUNG (1958) and SILK and BARNS (1958). Since PRICE and WALKER (1962) discovered that fission tracks could be made visible in a optical microscope by chemical etching, the researches of solid state track recorder (FLEISCHER, <I>et al</I>., 1975) have been remarkably developed. Fission track dating method is one application of these researches. PRICE and WALKER (1962) and FLEISCHER and PRICE (1963) tried firstly fission track dating using micas and natural glasses respectively. FLEISCHER, <I>et al</I>. (1965) also suggested the ion explosion theory as track formation mechanism considering that the each detector has a threshold of primary ionization rate for track formation to each charged particle energy (Fig. 1, 2).<BR>Last 15 years fission track dating method have been grown up to the very important tools for Geochronologist. Nevertheless, the primary and technical data are little reported in most papers. NAESER, <I>et al</I>. (1979) offered the original proposal for standardization of fission track data. They recommended that ten column table be used (Table 1, as an example) and five items such as decay constant, neutron fluence monitor, dating technique standard error and annealing correction, should be mentioned.<BR>The practical procedures for fission track dating are as follows. (1) Rock sampling, (2) Rock crushing, (3) Mineral separation, (4) Mounting minerals in FEP teflon or Epoxy resin, (5) Polishing minerals, (6) Chemical etching, (7) Preparing samples for irradiation, (8) Post irradiation procedures, (8) Counting of fission tracks, (10) Statistic calculation, (11) Drawing data tables.
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