FANTOME-90: 四肢可動型人体模型を用いた光子外部被曝線量計算コード
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A computer code, FANTOME-90, was developed to calculate the equivalent doses in organs or tissues and the effective dose as well as the effective dose equivalent by the Monte Carlo method for external photon irradiation. The code treats a mathematical human phantom with movable arms and legs, which has been derived from the MIRD-5 phantom. The code enables to make the phantom take any posture by specifying the angles of each part of its arms and legs and wear individual monitors on its surface. The MORSE-CG code is incorporated in the FANTOME-90 code to calculate the photon transport from a source to the organs or tissues. The effective dose equivalent was calculated for this phantom in a standing posture and compared to that calculated for the MIRD-5 phantom. A good agreement obtained between them shows that the modification of the original MIRD-5 phantom gives no significant effect to the dose calculation. The values of effective dose calculated in different postures are given as an example.
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