Characteristic of cement mortar as an engineered barrier for 137Cs.
- 帯水砂層中における放射性核種 (60Co, 85Srおよび137Cs) の移動
- 通気砂層中における85Srと137Csの移動に及ぼす間隙水の流速の影響
- 通気層中における放射性核種の挙動
- Decontamination of Pu-239 from Pt Plates
- Decontaminants of Pu
- Method and Practice of Radioactive Skin Decontamination
- Present status of treatment technology development for low and intermediate level wastes.
- Decontamination of RI Protective Clothing by Full Automatic Closed System Laundry Cleaning Machine
- Influence of flow velocity and particle size distribution on dispersion coefficient of water in saturated flow.
- Solidification in Bottle of Plutonium Liquid Wastes
- Characteristic of cement mortar as an engineered barrier for 137Cs.
- 通気砂層中における放射性核種の移動と分布(I)
- Barrier performance of concrete pit for shallow land burial of LLW.
- 浅地中環境下におけるウラン系列核種の分配係数測定(Ⅰ)
- 浅地中環境下におけるウラン系列核種の分配係数測定 (Ⅱ):-分配係数のpH依存性-