- 論文の詳細を見る
The augite crystals from Sainokawara and Haizuka-yama of the no volcanoes are generally characterized by their elongated prismatic habits like hornblende. Of these, the specimens from Sainokawara are found together with well formed hypersthene crystals. They are obtained from the disintegration products of olivine-bearing two pyroxene andesite and agglomerate.<BR>Two types of twinning are known in augite crystals. One of these is the crystal with a (100) as the twinning plane, whereas the other is a penetration twin in which two individuals cross each other at an angle of nearly 60°, and its twinning plane is supposed to be W (122).<BR>As the result of the goniometric experiment, 11 new faces have, been found for augite and 1 new face for hypersthene
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