- 太陽炉によるUO_2-Gd_2O_3系固溶体の溶融と凝固点測定
- 日本における主な岩石中の放射能
- 日本の主な岩石中の放射能 (線量)
- 7a-N-4 制動X線による異性核生成反応
- 東海地域の電車路線等における自然空間放射線線量率の測定
- :Principle of Estimated Background Method
- Notes from the Radiation Workers (Vol.20 No.4)
- :Experiences in Routine and Some Discussions
- :Examination under a Few Measuring Conditions
- Sliver Evenness Tester by the Use of Radioactive Isotopes
- :Statistical Judgement of Uncleanness in Elements
- Personal Monitoring Using Thermoluminescence Dosimeter (I):Characteristics of Thermoluminescence Dosimeter
- On a Method for Measuring Pulsed X-ray with Low Intensity
- Measurements of indoor and outdoor natural radiation exposure rates in model houses.
- タイトル無し
- A new method for evaluating weak leakage gamma-ray dose using a 3".PHI.*3" NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer. (III). Expanding of applicable energy range.:Expanding of Applicable Energy Range