A case of ulcerative colitis showing marked response to disodium cromoglcyate (DSCG).
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A 22-year-old male patient visited our hospital because of diarrhea and body weight loss. He had had ulcerative colitis at the age of 18 and had been treated at another hospital. Endoscopically, the rectum was smooth with good expansion, but diffuse ulceration and inflammatory polyps were observed from the sigmoid to the transverse colon. A barium enema study also showed lead pipe figure from the sigmoid colon to half of the transverse colon. We concluded that the patient had ulcerative colitis. After two months of oral DSCG administration, the ulcerative colitis was improved. Three months later, no ulceration was observed upon colonoscopic examination. The formation of mucosal bridges and inflammatory polyps was observed, and ESR and CRP became normalized. Fourteen months after discontinuation of treatment at the patient's own wish, he was hospitalized again for mucous bloody diarrhea with fever. Barium enema study and colonoscopic examination again revealed diffuse ulceration and inflammatory polyps from the sigmoid to the transverse colon.<BR>Although the symptoms were somewhat improved upon oral DSCG administration, subfever continued and defecation was too frequent, recessitating administration of DSCG by enema. After two months, the symptoms were greatly improved, allowing resumption of oral administration with no worsening of symptoms. Colonoscopic examination found no ulceration but only inflammatory polyps. Recently, allergy has drawn attention in the etiology of ulcerative colitis and use of medication for the suppression of allergy has been initiated. However, we have not yet encountered any report in Japan indicating that DSCG is very effective. We therefore hope that DSCG will be studied and administered in more hospitals and clinics.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
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- A case of ulcerative colitis showing marked response to disodium cromoglcyate (DSCG).
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