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A clinical study on 70 nonpseudomembranous cases of drug associated colitis was conducted after classifying them into the following 4 types according to the endoscopic findings. Type I (diffuse lesion) showed the highest incidence, seen in 40 cases. The features were; predilection for young people, high occurrence of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain, high frequency of common cold as underlying disease, and many of the cases were given single administration of synthetized penicillins orally. Type II (longitudinal ulcer) seen in 7 cases was similar to Type I, except that a considerable number of the cases were administered cefems. Type III (aphthoid lesion) seen in 15 cases was similar to pseudomembranous colitis in many respects, such as the age of patients, symptoms, type of antibiotics, route of their administration, predilection place, and existence of C. difficile D1 toxin-positive case. Type IV (nonspecific lesion) seen in 8 cases was considered as the mild case of Type I or II according to the endoscopic examination, however, clinically there was no similarity. As mentioned above, the respective different onset mechanisms of Type I, II, III and IV were indicated.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- 214 胆嚢アデノミオマトーシス16例の検討(第26回日本消化器外科学会総会)
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- タイトル無し
- 宿便によって発症したと思われる虚血性大腸炎の3症例
- Three cases of recurrent ischemic colitis.
- A case of ulcerative colitis showing marked response to disodium cromoglcyate (DSCG).
- Administration of disodium cromoglycate for ulcerative colitis.
- 扁平上皮化生を伴ったS状結腸腺管腺腫の1例