Frequency of metastasis of colorectal cancer to liver and lung, and the significance of resection.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The number patients with colortal cancer who have undergone surgery at the Surgical Department of the Cancer Institute Hospital is 1553.<BR>The smrequency of metastasis of the cancer to the liver found at the initial operation was higher in colonic cancer than in rectal cancer.<BR>In recurrent metastasis to the lung, the frequency was significantly higher in rectal cancer than in colonic cancer.<BR>The average postperative survival periods of 21 cases in whom metastatic cancer lesions in the liver were excised at the initial opration, 6 cases in whom recurrent metastatic cancer lesions in the liver were excised, and 14 cases in whom recurrent metastatic cancer lesions in the lung were excised were 22.8, 19.0 and 40.0 months, respectively.<BR>Taking into consideration, as well, the survival period, the depth reached by the primary lesion and the frequency of metastasis of cancer to lymph nodes, the results obtained this time suggest that the significance of treatment in the sense of radical cure is greater in cases in whom recurrent metastatic cancer lesions in the lung were excised than in cases in whom metastatic cancer lesions in the liver were excised.
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- Frequency of metastasis of colorectal cancer to liver and lung, and the significance of resection.