- 論文の詳細を見る
Tuberculosis of the large bowel is still not infrequently encountered in Japan though in most cases patient with this desease has no symptoms or slight abdominal discomfort if present. Tuberculous lesions which have been detected recently are frequently localized in the right side colon and reveal characteristic macrosopic findings. They are "transverse ulcer and scarred area with discoloration". Radiologic and endoscopic diagnsis of tuberculosis is made without difficulty, based on direct demonstration of these characteristic findings and deformity signs caused by ulcerative changes. Pathologically large solid granulomas with agglutinating tendency are characteristic of tuberculosis, regardless of presence or absence of caseation necrosis. Rarely tuberculosis of nontypical macroscopic pathology is diagnosed with difficulty or should be differentiated from Crohn's disease. Chemotherapy is the first choice of treatment of tuberculosis without complication.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
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