4. Re-Evaluation of Clinico-Histopathological Determination on Malignancy, on the Evidence of Exaggerated Survery over the Entire Polyps, in Two Cases of Familial and Non-Familial Diffuse Colonic Polyposis with Partial Malignant Changes
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to re-analyze the quality (anaplasia)—quantity (dimension, portion)—interrelationship in judging malignancy for final diagnosis, an exaggerated histological survey throughout the entire polyps of 920 pieces in a familial and of 2, 333 pieces in a non-familial diffuse colonic polyposis with partial malignant transformation was attempted with special remarks on borderline type (carcinoma in situ).<BR>Some notes were drawn from the consideration of correlation among the polyp site, their sizes and the atypism. Only one unquestoinable polyp-carcinoma in each case was found in rectum and S-romanum, respectively.<BR>On the basis of the exhaustive observation over the whole polyps with their quality-quantity relations, the control of subjective (personal or individual) factors is prepossessed for discrepancy between histological dicision (a doctrine) and an undetermined aspect of each polyp (a real existence).<BR>Thus, a simple classification of cancer or non-cancer group, abandonning the grading system I to V, practically contributory toward clinical fields was newly proposed after the elucidation of our criteria.
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