- 論文の詳細を見る
We formed health impact study group which consists of toxicological study, epidemiological study, Japanese cedar pollen study and 3 Asian dust epidemiological studies. Based on the knowledge from A01 and A02 groups, which studied generation and transformation of transboundary aerosols, we selected possible hazardous components of particulates. Toxicological study evaluated the effect of these candidates on cells and animals, and using the result of toxicological study, epidemiological study evaluates the effect of transboudary pollution on humans. With the novel and better exposure measurement of Asian dust from A02 group, the three studies evaluate effects of Asian dust. Eventually, these studies would validly evaluate the health effect of transboundary air pollution. Pollen study investigates the alteration of the pollen and its interaction with air pollutants, and found that the allergen protein inside the pollen may be exposed to air pollutants that include Asian dust by pollen rupture; the exposure may affect the allergic response.
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