諸種催眠薬のウサギ下位脳幹部電気活動に対する影響 (催眠薬の作用機序に関する脳波学的研究-1,2-)
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During paradoxical sleep (PS), distinct spike waves resembling ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) activity in the cat were recorded in the medial or ventral nucleus Trapezoides in the rabbit, using chronically implanted electrodes. These spike waves were 25_??_100μV in amplitude, 30_??_80 msec in duration, and often grouped in a burst of 5_??_20 waves. In many cases, these spike waves preceded the appearance of hippocampal theta activity at the beginning of the PS episodes by several seconds. Almost the same spike waves as PS episodes were continuously observed after reserpine administration. Except for a few cases, these spike waves resembled PGO activity in the genesis. Following administration of pentobarbital or bromoisovalerylurea, the spike waves appeared periodically even when the slow waves were prominent in the motor cortex and hippocampus. This phenomenon suggests that the triggering mechanism of PS works periodically when the appearance of PS episodes are suppressed by hypnotic agents.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
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- 諸種催眠薬のウサギ下位脳幹部電気活動に対する影響 (催眠薬の作用機序に関する脳波学的研究-1,2-)