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Solution and precipitation characteristics of vanadium compound during isothermal heating and during some heat treatments such as isothermal transformation, continuous cooling transformation, tempering and so forth in carbon steel, Mn steel, Mn-Cr steel, Mn-Cr-Mo steel bearing 0.15% vanadium was investigated. Furthermore, the role of vanadium compound on the changes in mechanical properties and microstructure due to quenching followed by tempering was also investigated, and following results were obtained;1) Solid soluted vanadium precipitates during reheating, and the amount of precipitation makes maximum at 800°C. Vanadium compound solutes into matrix almost completely at 1100°C. The addition of about 1% of Mn, Cr, and Mo has no influence on above mentioned precipitation and solution characteristics of vanadium compound.2) Vanadium compound precipitates during isothermal transformation and continuous cooling transformation of austenite, and under the suitable condition of transformation, it has coherency with matrix and harden ferrite. In case of continuous cooling transformation, the most adequate cooling velocity to harden matrix has relation with hardenability, namely precipitation behavior of protectoid ferrite.3) The effect of vanadium on the hardenability is found at far from quenched end, where protectoid ferrite exists.4) The difference of strengthening mechanism between vanadium bearing steels and other steels subjected to high temperature tempering are found that the contribution of precipitation itself of vanadium is much more than that of retardation of recrystallization (and high dislocation dencity) due to precipitation of vanadium.
- 大同特殊鋼株式会社の論文
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