13%Cr-4.5%Ni-4%Cu鋼の時効硬化性 : 13%Cr-4.5%Ni-4%Cu-4%Mo-4%Co析出硬化型ステンレス鋼の研究 第1報
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13%Cr-4.5%Ni-Cu-Mo-Co steel was obtained after an investigation trying to find out such a steel with necessary special features required for a plastic mold and also with corrosion resistance which is strong against halogen gas.The following matters were clarified after investigating the aging process.(1) 13%Cr-4.5%Ni-4% Cu-4%Mo-4%Co steel shows the two stages in age-hardening process. For the aging process of the first stage Cu contributes to the hardeness greatly and for that of the second so does Mo and Co.(2) In the range of the aging process of the first stage the critical pitting potential rises together with the advance of the aging process.(3) ε-Cu are precipitates by general precipitation and the orientation relationship between the copper precipitation and the massive martensite matrix is (111)Cu/7°/(110)αM, [110]Cu/[111]αM.(4) The activation energy to the aging process of the first stage is 47.6kcal/mol and the value was close to the activation energy to the aging process due to Cu percipitation from α iron, 46.0kcal/mol.(5) The time constant in the aging process of the first stage τ was smaller than that of Cu precipitation from ferrite matrix.
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