- 論文の詳細を見る
The mechanism of protein folding is presented, which can account for the thermodynamical phase transition and the rapidity of folding process. The long-range feature of hydrophobic interaction and its specificity after the formation of the secondary structures play the essential role in folding. The refoldings of flavodoxin, erabutoxin and BPTI (bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) are discussed. Finally a possible mechanism of folding in membrane proteins is proposed, and applied to bacteriorhodopsin.
- 日本生物物理学会の論文
- タンパク質は今でも不思議です
- 10. 線形応答とカオス(基研短期研究会報告「非可積分系の量子力学」,研究会報告)
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- 2a-U-1 カオスと外部擾乱I : 古典系
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