- 論文の詳細を見る
Instantaneous detectability was introduced in a method for the subjective assessment of fluoroscopic images, particularly in the interventional radiology (IVR) procedure. Quantitatively, instantaneous detectability was obtained by measuring the time required for observers to detect the tip of a linear pattern, such as a guide wire, just after the image is displayed. Dynamic images used in this measurement, which mimic degraded fluoroscopic images, were created in the computer simulation software by adding a low-contrast linear pattern to a noisy background image. Radiological technologists and students in the faculty of computer engineering participated in the assessment, and all measurements were performed using a personal computer system. Even if the contrast-to-noise ratio was identical, instantaneous detectability was remarkably increased when the background noise was dominated by higher frequency components. Also, the sign test suggested that a frame rate of 30 f/s significantly improved detectability compared to a frame rate of 15 f/s. These results enable us to discuss new possibilities for image processing and the optimization of system performance. Although the standard deviation of the measured inter- and intra-observer data was large, statistical significance should be suitably examined by a paired-comparison like the sign test, which will be one of the important analyzers in experiments investigating human performance.
- X線動画における線状パターンの瞬時認識能に関する研究 : フレームレートに関する検討
- ノイズの多い背景画像における線状陰影走行角度検出法
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- 427 動画対応の直接変換型X線平面検出器の開発(2)
- 瞬時認識能の測定による透視画像の主観評価法に関する検討
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- (1)委員紹介(新委員紹介)
- (2)システム上の画像評価(画像について語ろう『臨床画像評価のピットフォール(落とし穴)』,第74回画像分科会)
- 透視画像の処理と評価に関する文献(資料・文献紹介)
- (1)国立香川高等専門学校 本田研究室の紹介(大学/研究室/研究会紹介)
- (2)透視画像の識別能向上処理(画像について語ろう『De-noising -放射線領域の画像ノイズとうまくつきあうには-』,第71回画像分科会)