肩インピンジメント症候群に対するmini-open法による肩峰形成術の短期成績 : ―術前MRI検査で腱板不全断裂を示す症例と示さない症例の比較―
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical outcomes of the mini-open subacromial decompression surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome cases. Seven shoulders in six patients (all male cases who underwent mini-open subacromial decompression were studied. The average age of these patients was 61.1 years old (range, 46 to 66), and the average post operative follow-up period was 4.6 months (range, 3 to 7). Five shoulders in four patients had partial rotator cuff tears detected by magnetic resonance imaging, In this study, the performed mini-open subacromial decompression surgery consisted of bursectomy of the subacromial bursa, resection of the coraco-acromial ligament and anterior acromioplasty with minimal skin incision and splitting between anterior and middle part without resection of origin of the deltoid muscle. The range of motion including flexion, abduction, and external rotation and the shoulder function score proposed by the Japan Orthopaedic Association (JOA score) were evaluated. The average of JOA score before surgery was 56.6 points which improved to 80.9 points at the follow-up period. The range of motion also improved in all cases, however, the improvement of pain score in five shoulders which had partial rotator cuff tears was lesser than the other two shoulders. The open subacromial decompression surgery was considerd to be a suitable surgical method for subacromial impingement syndrome. Whether repairment to partial rotator cuff tear is necessary or not remains controversial.
- アテトーゼ型脳性麻痺に合併する頚椎症性脊髄症・神経根症に対する前方後方固定術の臨床成績と問題点
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- 腰椎変性側彎症に対する手術法の検討
- 肩インピンジメント症候群に対するmini-open法による肩峰形成術の短期成績 : ―術前MRI検査で腱板不全断裂を示す症例と示さない症例の比較―
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