- 論文の詳細を見る
Spontaneous sternoclavicular joint subluxation is a rare disorder. The aim of this study was to report on a case of spontaneous sternoclavicular joint subluxation. A 10-year-old man noticed a protrusion on his left chest and felt a click at the same time without any trauma. No comment in particular about his past history, but he had practiced kendo for 4 years. After diagnosis by other orthopaedists, he was referred to our hospital. He did not feel an ROM limitation. When he elevated his left arm to 135 degrees, suddenly the sternoclavicular joint was subluxated forward without pain. As he put down his arm to 45 degrees, the subluxation was easily repositioned. X-rays did not reveal any abnormal lesions around the left shoulder, and bilateral clavicle lengths were equal. MR images did not demonstrate any articular disc lesion. We performed conservative treatment on him because of the lack of pain. We forbade him to do kendo because subluxation was occurred frequently when he did kendo. Overuse in a sports activity and minor trauma have been reported to cause spontaneous sternoclavicular joint subluxation. Operative treatment for this morbidity is controversial because spontaneous recovery may be expected in many cases. In this case, he did not suffer any trauma to his chest, so we treated it as a spontaneous sternoclavicular joint subluxation. We should note that a overhead sport should be restricted because it might inhibit the healing of this morbidity.
- 日本肩関節学会の論文
荻野 修平
荻野 修平
村田 亮
松木 圭介
松木 圭介
千葉大学 整形外科
松浦 龍
杉岡 佳織
落合 信靖
松木 圭介
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