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This study investigated the relationship between rotator cuff muscle atrophy and impingement syndrome in gymnasts.22 male elite gymnasts (44 shoulders) were checked up for shoulder problems specially impingement signs. MRI studies were performed for all subjects to measure the cross-sectional area of 3 rotator cuff muscle groups (supraspinatus, infraspinatus + teres minor, subscapularis). The relationship between the impingement sign and cross sectional area of the rotator cuff muscle was investigated. 21 shoulders had a positive for impingement sign. None of the patients showed any rotator muscle weakness on manual testing. MRI confirmed that there was no rotator cuff tear in any patient. On the logistic regression analysis odd ratios were the supraspinatus 2.330, infraspinatus + teres minor 0.796,subscapularis 1.231.Though it was unclear whether atrophy of the supraspinatus muscle was a cause or a result, this study suggested that there was supraspinatus muscle weakness involved in the impingement syndrome in gymnasts. Muscle strength of the supraspinatus was important for both treatment and prevention of impingement syndrome in gymnasts.Atrophy of the supraspinatus was significantly more common in patients with an impingement syndrome.
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